Friday, April 29, 2011

Looking back... and forward

I can't believe April almost got by me without a blog post.  Time flies. 
Recently my laptop crashed and I have yet to replace it so I have been using the dinosaur of a computer in our basement for now.  All my old pictures are on there and I was looking back in the Baby Gee's folder to see some of my former projects and creations.  I have come a long way baby! 

Here is Sean with one of my first blankets. 

And here is Sarah at 2 1/2 years old sporting a pillowcase dress.  She is sooo little here!

And sadly all of Sam modeling for me are on the laptop (my hubby was smart to back it up so fingers crossed).  

I can't wait to see what 6 more years brings... who will model for me when they are all grown up? 

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